News Letter February 2022
Hi all, I think the majority of us have the post show blues after a fantastic panto. I know this has been said many times but wow how lucky are we to have such talent in our Society especially the future of CUDOS in the current juniors. We were blown away by their talent and maturity during rehearsals and show week. The future is definitely bright!!
My role as your Chairman will come to an end at the AGM this year . The normal length of service is 3 years but due to covid and there being no AGM in 2020 and a late one in 2021 I have ended up completing 5 years this time round. So we are on the lookout for a new chairman/person/woman ,however you wish to label yourself, to take over at the AGM. Support is always there from myself or current committee members. If you're interested but have questions don't hesitate to ask.
See you all soon. Kerry x
Bar Managers
We have been lucky for a number of years to have Dave and Maureen Sach run the bar for us. This is not just manning it during shows but also sorting all the stock for it, refilling etc. They have now hung up their optics for the last time so we are on the look - out for new managers. We already have some interest but as this was only announced at the panto aftershow party we felt it only fair to give everyone the opportunity or possibly it could end up with more people sharing the responsibility.
Please contact any of your committee to register your interest. Maureen will be on hand for any advice to help you. Thank you
We made it, oh yes we did!! It was good to be back on stage performing again, the Panto was well received, with good audiences and great to be back together again. Congratulations to Lillie Woodhead who was awarded the Chairmans’ Cup at the end of panto.
There is to be an open air celebration - Party in the Park - on Henhayes, Crewkerne, similar to concerts held in the past on royal occasions. CUDOS will be performing and rehearsals will start on Monday 14th March in the Victoria Hall at 7.30pm. Rehearsal nights will be Monday and Thursday.
This will be held in the Victoria Hall 7.30 for 7.45 on 31st March 2022. Paid up members eligible to vote will receive full details and voting forms shortly (membership paid since March 2021). The Committee consists of:
Chairman Vice Chairman
Treasurer Minutes Secretary
Correspondence Secretary
4 Committee members
Patrons are welcome to come along, it is always nice to see you. At the close of the meeting there is the opportunity to renew your membership/patronage and to catch up with friends over a glass of wine and nibbles.
DINNER DANCE Saturday 2nd April 2022
Hurray, a new date for the dinner dance. Dancing to Twisted Vinyl and enjoying a relaxed meal with friends we are guaranteed a great night. Watch this space and CUDOS Facebook page for further details.
We were delighted to finally award Life Membership to Maureen at the end of the Panto. This was to be presented at the AGM in 2019 but due to covid was delayed.
Flora to George and Sian Flint and
Oscar to Vikki and Dan Dominguez