Your cast for Snow White
The cast are as follows
Young Snow White-Callie-Rose Guppy
Queen Belinda-Fiona Edgington
King Wilfred-Robert Judge
Snow White-Sian Flint
Nurse Nora-Ray Norris
Queen Wanda-Sarah Elliott
Magical Mirror-Danny Brand
Hilda-Kerry Peters Mutt-Will Scott-Robinson Jeff-Diana Hodgson Prince Victor-Jas Cook Sue-Millie Pattemore Fran-Leonie Leonie Dash Callum-Christian Barry Pam-Lottie Dixon Izzie-Hatty Souttar-stone Gill-Jess Cummins Rupert Aloysius-George Flint.
The Company
Katy Lyons,
Neus Luna, Keith Allington, Vicky Stephens, Lorraine Dash, Tomas Lowe, Natalie Gowan, Phoebe Edgington, Maaenzie Peters, Georgia England, Hannah Broom, Tori Eglon, Frank Agar, Imogen Wyatt, Molly Hill, Lillie Woodhead, Logan Dixon, Madison Palmer-Gowan and Robyn Edgington.