July News Letter

July 2018
Hi All,Firstly a massive thank you to Lucy and John for hosting the Treasure Hunt. It was a huge hit for all taking part especially with the tasks that had to be completed on the way round. It's always so nice when a different member of our society steps forward to do one of the social events,all you have to do is show an interest and we will help guide you through it. I've only managed to pop in to a couple of Spamalot rehearsals but it is sounding and looking fantastic so make sure you get your tickets before it's too late. Keep enjoying this fantastic weather while it lasts and I'll see you soon. Kerry.
It was with great sadness to learn of the passing of Neill. Neill was President of the Society for several years, always very supportive in many ways. We were able to store our costumes in the Coach House at Maincombe and use the house and garden for show publicity photos, very apt when we did Me and My Girl with the grand house and garden doubling up as ‘Hareford Hall’. Neill and his family hosted many a barbeque for us where we enjoyed playing croquet, football along with other games on their very large lawn. When Neill stepped down as President he was awarded Life Membership. We will always remember Neill with fondness.
SPAMALOT 12t h – 15t h SeptemberDirector - Nick Harris MD - Gill Merrifield Choreographer - Lisa Gage
Much fun is being had at rehearsals for this very funny show. Tickets are on sale, price £10 (£8.50 concession) from www.cudoscrewkerne.com (Any problems email us on cudostickets@gmail.com ) or from Wendy on 01460 74380.
WALKING TREASURE HUNT - Sat 14t h July Thank you Lucy and John for hosting the treasure hunt, we had a great time especially as there were many “twists” to the walk one being “take a team
selfie with a member of CUDOS not taking part”. Surprisingly all teams managed to find one on a quiet Saturday afternoon in Crewkerne! Afterwards we enjoyed a superb meal and time to catch up with members and friends. Congratulations to the winners, The Late Starters comprising of Dendy, Polly, Kathy, Sheena, Nick and Beth.
WORKSHOP FOR JUNIORS Sunday 12 August 10am – 5pm at the Victoria Hall Ages 7 -17 on the day Join Lisa & Lucy for a day of singing & dancing to songs from popular musicals. Everyone welcome, no matter what experience you have! There are still 5 places left, free to CUDOS Junior members and £10 for any friends or someone you know who would like to come along. Parents/families and adult CUDOS members are invited to arrive at 4.30pm for a showcase of the day. Contact Wendy Elliott to book a place on 01460 74380. Email address will be needed please.
DINNER DANCE 10 November 2018
I know we are in the middle of a heat wave but it’s time to think about cold weather and dressing up. The theme is 1940’s Vintage and I am sure you are more than capable of coming up with suitable attire to fit the theme. If not posh frocks and DJs. Menu - Italian food, 3 courses brought to your tables for sharing. Dancing to Twisted Vinyl, a young and superb local band. . Tickets £30 (Minimum age 18 years) from Sue Miller 07725 910009 or suem92943@gmail.com In your diaries please people or get your tickets now to secure your place. Sue xx
Chris Wall and Neus Luna
Vikki Rolley and Dan Dominguez who have recently become engaged, we await to hear wedding bells.
Also many congratulations to Richard Hall and Debra Best on the safe arrival of Henley Michael Brian.
Condolences to Sue Green on the loss of her dear husband Bill. Sue joined the Society in 1985 and, when giving up treading the boards became a Patron. Bill, also a Patron, was very supportive of CUDOS, bringing along friends and family, they rarely missed any of our shows. Our thoughts are with you at this sad time.