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September News Letter


Hi All, well what a fantastic success The Sound of Music was, congratulations to all involved and I'm sure you'll agree with me that CUDOS has a very bright future. So now we head into the next show, the Christmas Concert which starts it's rehearsals on Monday, looking forward to seeing lots of you there. Keep an eye on your newsletters for exciting social functions coming soon. Kerry.x


Another resounding success, playing to full houses, receiving many accolades. Congratulations Dendy and all involved and to Jess Payne who played Maria, on receiving the Trish Cook Award.


9:30 - 5:30 Cost £15

David Richie of HOUSE OF THEATRE is to hold another workshop (Devising Stagecraft and Confidence) for adult members, the workshop held in 2017 was much enjoyed and found to be most beneficial by those who took part. SPACES ARE STILL AVAILABLE, book your place with Kerry at or on 07557 447078. Payment must be made in advance, you will need to bring a packed lunch but hot and cold drinks will be provided.

CHRISTMAS CONCERT 6/7 Dec inc Matinee

Directors - John & Lucy Perry

The 1st rehearsal is on Monday 23rd September at 7.30 in the Victoria Hall. Come along and find out more, the concerts are always fun. Rehearsals will be on a Monday and Thursday evening until 24th October after which rehearsals move to a Wednesday night.

Tickets are on sale to Members and Patrons on 1st October and for general release on 8th October. - price £7.50 to include a glass of mulled wine/orange juice and a mince pie. Tickets available from

or Wendy on 0146074380. Any problems email us on

DINNER DANCE Saturday 9th November 2019

You will have received details and booking form in the last newsletter, always a great night out, 80’s themed - dress optional but gives the opportunity to relive your past. Contact Rob Judge on 07540 178746 or email To book your place - why not bring along friends to make up a table. Payment and forms to Rob by 1st November at the latest (minimum age 18years).


Some of us have long service awards, if you are due to update yours (awarded every 5 years) or feel you are eligible to buy one, please contact Wendy to see if you meet the criteria and if so, we can get “the ball rolling”. We would like these to be awarded at the Dinner Dance so applications must be in by 9th October.

PANTOMIME - ALADDIN 22 - 25th January

Directors Richard Walters & Chantelle Souttar

MD Lucy Singleton

Choreography Sarah Elliott

It’s that time again - oh yes it is!!

Read through 28th Oct 7.30pm VH

Workshop 31st Oct 7.30pm VH

Auditions 3 rd Nov 2.00pm VH

Further details can be obtained from Chantelle on 07838239884 or email

CHAPERONES We need to enlist licensed chaperones for the children appearing in our productions. There is no cost and help can be given on how to apply etc from our Child Protection Officer, Cathie Warner on 07778399079. The applications take quite a while to process so need to be applied for ASAP to ensure we have some in place by panto, Without your help unfortunately we will not be able to have children in our productions.


This year hosted by Will ‘I’ve got an extremely trivial mind’ Scott-Robinson, it will test your mental powers to their very limits with questions like ‘what’s an occasional table the rest of the time?’ and ‘if you can have a psychic medium, can you have a psychic small and a psychic large as well?’.

To be held in the back room at Oscar’s Wine Bar, Crewkerne on Friday the 18th of October at 7.30pm for a prompt 8.00pm start with a break halfway through for you to gather your thoughts and enjoy good food.

The ticket price is £8.50, to include supper, to be paid in advance. To book telephone Wendy 01460 74380 or catch up with her at rehearsals. Please let her know of any dietary requirements when you book.

We are limited to 24 people (six teams of four) so get your names to Wendy as soon as possible.

Hope to see you there and remember, the quiz master’s decision is final… even if the answer is wrong!!!

*****STOP PRESS *******

PLAY 2020 6 - 9th May 2020 Ann Brolly is to direct a murder mystery “CURTAIN UP ON MURDER” by Bettine Manktelow

Congratulations to Patron Robbie Heyd-Smith on receiving a Somerset County Council “Chairman’s Award for Service to the Community”. Robbie dedicates a huge amount of his time and effort into supporting Crewkerne and the local area, and can always be found helping front of house at our shows

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