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News Letter February 2023


Hi everyone,

Firstly, congratulations to Leonie and her cast and crew for giving us 5 great performances of Panto All Over the World. We were entertained thoroughly, and I’ve had plenty of positive feedback, so very well done to you all, once again I am a very proud Chairman. Last week I was privileged to go to the funeral of one of our stalwart supporters, both on and off the stage, Life Member, Ray Bartlett. What an amazing send-off he was given, and we were treated to so many favourite songs from the musicals both before the service started and during, all evoking great memories for all of us there. Thank you, Ray, you will be much missed. We’re in a slight lull currently as we move towards our workshops and auditions in April for Made in Dagenham. That show is in the very safe and capable hands of Charmaine, as Director, Lucy as MD and Lisa as

choreographer, what a brilliant combination they’ll be, definitely looking forward to their workshops. (Details as below).So, onto our Quiz Night on 4th March and our AGM on 30 th March, again details as below. Hope to catch up with lots of you at those events. Take care everyone and stay safe and well. Dendyx


The Panto was a great success with lots of excellent feedback, enjoyed by cast and audience alike and making a good profit. Congratulations to Rosemary Williams who received the Chairman's Cup for her role as Aladdin.

QUIZ Saturday 4th March 7.30pm Victoria Hall

Following last year's successful quiz, Will is to host another fun-filled evening. Entrance fee is only £3pp, you can bring your own food and drink, maximum of 6 per team. As of last year it would be nice to see some of our Junior members come along with their parents. If you are interested in taking part please let Wendy know on 01460 74380.


13th - 16th September

Director Charmaine Bray

MD Lucy Singleton

Choreographer Lisa Gage

It is 1968 at the Ford Car Factory in Dagenham, Essex. The Management have upset the women who work as machinists by refusing to recognise their work as skilled, and to pay them accordingly. The women decide enough is enough, and the call for ‘Everybody Out’ sees them all walk out on strike. The strike causes friction at work, at home and amongst the women themselves. Even the big boss from America gets involved; but the girls take their campaign all the way to Harold Wilson’s government, as they demand equal pay to men for the skilled work that they do.

We are looking for

12 named female roles with a range of playing ages

10 named male roles with a range of playing ages

2 children (Female aged 7-9 Male aged 10-13)

Ensemble to cover cameo roles

All participants (except the children) to be 16 by first performance on 13th September


Thursday 13th April 7.30pm Victoria Hall

Workshop & Audition Prep

Mon 17th 7.30 at George Reynolds Centre

Wed 19th April 7.30pm Victoria Hall

Thu 20th April 7.30pm Victoria Hall


Sunday 23rd April Victoria Hall TTBC


We are looking for a Director for the 2023 Christmas Concert which is always a lovely start to Christmas and thoroughly enjoyed by our audiences. The Committee would love to hear from you.

AGM - 30th March 2023

This will be held in the Victoria Hall 7.30 for 7.45pm on Thursday 30th March 2023. A voting form is attached for those eligible to vote. You may vote if you are:

Life Member

Fully paid up Member (paid since March 2022)

Junior Members and Patrons are most welcome to come along and it will be nice to see you. At the close of the meeting there is the opportunity to renew your membership/patronage and catch up with friends over a glass of wine and nibbles.

The Committee consists of:




Minutes Secretary

Correspondence Secretary

4 Committee Members


Yellow water bottle

White with green top water bottle


Ring (found at entrance to VH)

Contact Wendy on 01460 74380



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