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News Letter Jan 2023


Hi everyone,

Firstly may I wish you all a slightly belated Happy New Year, hoping that we will all have a great year ahead of us. Rehearsals are gaining pace with our Panto, don’t forget to buy your tickets to come and watch ‘Panto All Over the World’, Leonie and her crew are working hard with the cast to bring you an amazing pantomime. There is still more work needed on the set, just in case anyone is available this coming weekend to help out. Well done to all involved in the Christmas Concert in whatever capacity, it was enjoyed by all who came to watch, and we were especially pleased to have those stalwarts with us, who chose not to watch the World Cup on the Saturday night! Your presence was much appreciated. Take care everyone, continue to stay safe and, I hope, free of the increasingly nasty series of bugs there appear to be around. Look forward to catching up with lots of you at our pantomime.


The concert went well with lots of nice feedback, always enjoyable and a lovely start to Christmas. Thank you to all who participated and helped in any way.

PANTOMIME - PANTO ALL OVER THE WORLD 25th - 28th January 2023

Director - Leonie Dash

MD/Choreography - Vikki Dominguez

Accompanist - Penny Bartholomew

It will soon be opening night so don't delay in getting your tickets. Rehearsals are going well and we are all having fun, Oh yes we are!!

Tickets priced at £10, £8 concession, available from or Wendy on 01460 74380 Any problems email us on


A successful fund-raising evening making £277. Thank you Leonie Dash for organising and all the hard work put in bringing it all together.



13th - 16th September

Director Chartmaine Bray

MD Lucy Singleton

Choreographer Lisa Gage

It is 1968 at the Ford Car Factory in Dagenham, Essex. The Management have upset the women who work as machinists by refusing to recognise their work as skilled, and to pay them accordingly. The women decide enough is enough, and the call for ‘Everybody Out’ sees them all walk out on strike. The strike causes friction at work, at home and amongst the women themselves. Even the big boss from America gets involved; but the girls take their campaign all the way to Harold Wilson’s government, as they demand equal pay to men for the skilled work that they do.

We are looking for

12 named female roles with a range of playing ages

10 named male roles with a range of playing ages

2 children (Female aged 7-9 Male aged 10-13)

Ensemble to cover cameo roles

All participants (except the children) to be 16 by first performance on 13th September

Launch - Thursday 13th April

Workshop & Audition Prep Mon 17th & Wed 19th April . All at Victoria Hall 7.30pm

Auditions ~Sunday 23rd April TTBC


Katy Lyons and Keith Allington on the arrival of Bertie (Albert) and Tom and Danni Donavan- Lowe on the arrival of Ophelia.

ADVANCE NOTICE AGM - 30th March 2023



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