News Letter May 2022

Hi everyone, glad to say our rehearsals for our part in the Queen’s Jubilee Celebrations are going really well thanks to the amazing teaching we are getting from Lucy. Looking forward to the concert and the weekend of celebrations in Crewkerne itself. Many thanks to Ann as well as Lucy for all their hard work in pulling this together. Hope to see lots of you there in the audience and, of course, we are praying for fine weather. Hopefully not as it was at our last celebrations when it poured down! We still had some of you stalwarts in the audience
Last time I asked if you have any thoughts and ideas about how we move forward as a society, future productions, what we could do and when in the year, and am delighted to say that some of you have been in contact already. Any further thoughts, there’s still plenty of time to contact me either via Messenger or email, or speak to any of your committee members. We will be putting a short survey together to see what you think, so even more opportunity to comment. Take care everyone, continue to stay safe and enjoy all the upcoming celebrations, however you are involved .
Director Ann Brolly
We are to stage the play postponed from May 2020. Due to change in circumstances two of the original cast are unable to take part. We are holding auditions for these characters on Monday 13th June at 7.30pm in the Victoria Hall. Rehearsals will be on Mondays and Thursdays at 7.30, with the first rehearsal on Thursday 16th June.
Ginny - naive, prim, rather gouache, playing age 18-25
Harry - caretaker, a bit dim and gossipy, older
Audition pieces - contact Ann
There is to be a celebration “Party in the Park” - on Henhayes. From 2 - 5pm there will be a fete with children in mind and a concert in the evening. CUDOS will open the concert and then at the end join with Phoenix Brass for Land of Hope and Glory, Rule Britannia and the National Anthem led by opera singer, Louise Innes and then mostly yourselves. Come along, bring your picnics and chairs for a great evening.
We are looking forward to our Car Treasure Hunt courtesy of John Perry, which will be a combination of driving and walking to find the clues, followed by a BBQ or picnic (in glorious weather of course) in John’s garden in Thomson Drive. Keep an eye out for further details on CUDOS Facebook page, website or in a newsflash.
Polite reminder that fees became due in March.
Members: Patrons
Family £50 Vice President £32 Individual £25 Individual £8
Junior £10 Couple £13
Patrons: Business £20
Fees can be by BACS or sent to Dave Brolly, Treasurer at Treetops, 31 East Street, Crewkerne TA18 8DG
Reference: Member or Patron Fee
Acc No: 69629862 ort Code: 30-98-97
If membership has lapsed for over 2 years, this will be your last newsletter. If you are ‘resting’ or treading the boards elsewhere you may like to consider supporting your Society by becoming a Patron. This will entitle you to newsletters, priority bookings and your name in the programmes.
(An abridged newsletter can be found on the website).
BEST WISHES to Kathy Head for a speedy recovery.
CONDOLENCES to Sara and Molly Hill on their recent sad loss.