News Letter April 2023

Firstly, I would like to thank you for doing me the honour of electing me as your Chair for a second year. I will continue to work hard for you in the coming year and know you will all make me so proud yet again. I would like to take the opportunity to congratulate all the worthy award winners again: what you have contributed to our society is amazing and that makes us the great group we are: without all of you we wouldn’t be here. Plenty of exciting times ahead as we move towards our workshops and then auditions for our next show, Made in Dagenham. I’m looking forward to watching this show come to fruition with Charmaine, Lucy and Lisa and wish all of you who choose to audition the best of luck. Your new committee are already starting to plan our social events where we can all get together and enjoy gathering without the uncertainty of the last few years through Covid. I would like to wish you all a happy and peaceful Easter and hope the sunny weather will continue into the weekend. Dendyx
This was well attended and we enjoyed catching up with friends over drinks and nibbles at the end.
Robbie Hyde-Smith is to stand as President for a further 2 years.
Chairman Dendy Harris
Vice Chairman Ann Brolly
Treasurer Dave Brolly
Minutes Secretary Angela Eason
Correspondence Sec Wendy Elliott
Josh Chant Leonie Dash
Will Scott-Robinson
Sheena Wilkins
The Chairman thanked Maureen Sach for her time on the Committee and welcomed Sheena Wilkins on board.
Audrey Stokes Wendy Elliott
Neill McClintock Leonie Dash
Ruth Pountney Milly Pattemore
Colin Miller Music Lucy Singleton
Rising Star Rob Howard
Membership and Patrons fees remain the same and are now due.
Family £50 Individual
Adults £25
Junior £10
Vice President £32 Individual £8
Couple £13 Business £20
MADE IN DAGENHAM 13th - 16th September
Director Charmaine Bray
MD Lucy Singleton
Choreographer Lisa Gage
Thursday 13th April 7.30pm Victoria Hall
Workshops & Audition Prep
Mon 17th April 7.30pm George Reynolds Centre
Wed 19th April 7.30pm Victoria Hall
Thu 20th April 7.30pm Victoria Hall
Sunday 23rd April 2.00pm Victoria Hall
1st Rehearsal
Wednesday 3rd May
For additional info follow the link
PLEASE NOTE - there is an Audition fee for non paid up members of £5 Senior/£1 Junior deductible from membership if you are successful in getting into the show.
WATCH THIS SPACE for social events, dinner dance, panto -TheThree Musketeers, play 2024
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